Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Adopt a Soldier...

One of the Kindergarten classes at Tiospa Zina has adopted Jimmer as their soldier. The teacher's husband is a member of the National Guard and when she heard my brother was in Iraq she asked if the class could "adopt"him. I said that would be wonderful! The students made a flag with their handprints and sent Jimmer a care package. I thought I would share the picture Jimmer e-mailed. We pray for him and all of our brave men and women every day. We look forward to his safe return in November.


Anonymous said...

That is beautiful!What a neat idea!I know that Jim must be thrilled. Are the handprints the children's in the kdgt?I am sure that this lifted Jim's spirit very much.He spent the day in Samarra.Am waiting to hear how that went. Love Mom

Laurie said...

Well that is pretty neat! It's nice to see pictures of Jimmer. He looks good.

jen said...

Yes, the handprints belong to the kids. I took a picture of the class with the flag to send to him. I think he looks a lot like Dan in this picture!

Laurie said...

I just sent that photo off to my mom and said the same thing, that he looks like Dan. So yes, I agree very much so.