Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Mike!

We'd like to wish Mike a very Happy Birthday today! I'm sorry that Courtney and I missed having supper with you last night.

Kelsey was scheduled to have surgery this morning at 6:00 am, but the nurse heard her cough, listened to her lungs, and said it would be better to wait. So, hopefully we can wait and re-schedule during Christmas break instead of the two weeks they are recommending. She was a little trooper and pretty proud of her wristband:)

The girls are pretty excited for Halloween------Courtney hasn't really decided between the '50's girl, pirate, or vampire---while Kelsey will be a devil:) They have a party at the after school program tomorrow, another party at school on Friday, and can wear their costumes to ice skating lessons on Saturday---before the big night of Trick or Treating.

Have a good week!


Laurie said...

What kind of surgery is Kelsey having? Please post Halloween pictures. Can't wait to see the devil costume. :) Sorry, we can't make it on Sunday-it's been a little crazy around here and Dan is heading back to Mpls on Monday. Thank you so much for the invite. It's a special day for Courtney, I know. Are you getting lots of snow? It's snowy and blowy here-yuk! Stay warm trick or treating!!!

jen said...

Kelsey is having a 'scope' procedure done to examine her bladder and kidneys. The doctors want to find out what is causing her to have so many bladder infections. It is a gorgeous day today. Kelsey changed her mind on the costume and wanted to be a vampire instead. So I will post those pictures.