Monday, August 20, 2007

The First Day of School

It is Courtney and Kelsey's first day of school today. They are both very excited and ready to go! Kelsey wanted to sleep with her backpack last night just to make sure nothing happened to it:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What neat pictures. Thanks. Miss you all so very much. We are waiting for next strom. It has not been very nice the last few days.we have some water coming in our basement. so tried to reroute it .There is nothing on the floor down there so am not worried. It just an aggravation.So far we have had 7 inches of rain since Sat.Our brown spots on the lawn have disappeared. Your girls are growing up so fast.Glad they are excited about school.Hug them for us.See you soon. Love Mom and [Grandpa and GRandma}.