Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Courtney's Finger....

Can you tell which one is injured?
Couurtney with her splint

Courtney jammed and possibly sprained her pointer finger on her right hand at volleyball camp today. We iced it and put a splint on it. I hope it heals before school starts! I think Kelsey is a little jealous-she wanted a splint too:)


Basil Knebel said...

Aww! poor Courtney! Give her a hug from "Mr. Knebel!"

You better give Kelsey one too... dont' want her to feel left out!

jen said...

Thanks, Basil. I will make sure and do that. Thanks for reading my blog!

Anonymous said...

What great pictures. Love your presents, Kelsey. I could tell which finger was jammed. It looked swollen. So sorry about that, Courtney. Love you all so very much!Grandma and Grandpa Smith
I am going to the Jensen Reunion Sun with Dale and Dorothy. Dad is staying home.It is at River Falls Wis.Made dill pickles this Pm. Have been freezing peaches bought 2 crates. they are very good.